100, 200, and 300 level modules allow you to print a Documentation of Successful Completion Certificate upon completing the module from the OSU Office of Geriatrics and Interprofessional Aging Studies. You may present this certificate to your professional organization for consideration of continuing education credit approval. Aging Smart modules do not offer Documentation of Successful Completion Certificates for continuing education. However, these modules may be taken by all participants.
All completed modules remain available in Your Account for review and reference in the future.
1.5 Continuing Education Credit Hours
This module demonstrates approaches to person-directed care in the nursing home environment. The goal of this unfolding case is to illustrate systems to support person-directed care for a resident's first 24 hours in a nursing ho...(Read full description)
1.0 Continuing Education Credit Hour
Eye disease in the U.S. and throughout the world is expected to triple in the next three decades, making it all the more important for those caring for our aging population to learn about preventing eye disease. This module will dis...(Read full description)
1.5 Continuing Education Credit Hours
Despite great advances in LGBTQIA+ rights, discriminatory practices still exist that create significant barriers to quality health care for this group. This module will explore the history of inequality towards the LGBTQIA+ pop...(Read full description)
1.0 Continuing Education Credit Hour
The growth of the aging population and subsequently, the increase in the incidence of vision loss and blindness, will tax our current health care system greatly. Because of this, we expect to see formal and informal caregivers play ...(Read full description)
2.0 Continuing Education Credit Hours
Nearly 5.4 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's disease. While most individuals are diagnosed after the age of 65, 4-10% have a form of the disease called Younger-Onset Alzheimer's disease (YOAD), also known as Early-Onset Al...(Read full description)